Thursday, 3 April 2014

Renulek's spring doily

Here's the first two rows of Renulek's spring doily. I used 2 shuttles for the second round. It made it less awkward for me when turning the chains around. I had trouble attaching the last bit. I need more practice I guess.


  1. It looks great and lays flat too, I know most people like ball and shuttle but I feel the same way and most of the time I use 2 shuttles I thinks it lays flatter and looks nicer.

  2. Wow! It is gorgeous! Love the colours :).

  3. Beautiful! My problem with two shuttles is that I must have no tension coming from the 'ball thread', and I have to unwind the shuttle and lay it flat, but it sometimes falls off my lap or the table! Hard to explain in a comment! But obviously it works for you!

    1. You should have no problem if you wrap that "ball thread" around your pinkie.

  4. Really like the dolphins and the blue on this gorgeous spring doily!

  5. It's beautiful already! Love your color choice.

  6. That's so pretty. Your colour choices really compliment the pattern.
    When I'm working with two shuttles instead of a ball and shuttle, I tuck the 'ball' shuttle into my watch strap. This takes the drag off the thread and keeps it out of the way.

  7. Blue and white is one of my favorite color combinations. It looks beautiful!
