Friday, 10 January 2014


I've broken a Aero made in England shuttle. We all know how rare those are. This one was given to me by a lady who works in a second hand store. She knows that I tat. What she didn't know was this brand is my favorite. I've tried to Krazy glue it twice. To no avail.
So it is with utter dismay I announce the death of a very special shuttle. Aero shuttle was a good girl, having spent her life helpfully making lace and holding her bobbins with perfect precision. She is predeceased by her uncle "Space shuttle" her mother "Coal shuttle" and her father "Tram shuttle" In lieu of flowers, please make a special motif that you will keep for yourself.  RIP.


  1. sorry you lost a friend. that is a very nice obit for a shuttle.

  2. Have you tried heating the broken plastic (melting) surfaces then pressing them together as they cool?

  3. ahhhh that is sad, but what were you making with it when the accident occurred :)

  4. Really know how you are feeling. I have just won an Aero England shuttle on e.bay and will treasure it as they are so rare

  5. I had popped a bobbin into the shuttle and that's when the end snapped. My husband put krazy glue on it and told me to leave it alone for 24 hours. I had already done that, but I'll give him the befit of the doubt.
    I often check out ebay looking for Aero England shuttles. Your lucky Sally.

  6. Oh dear me, I feel your pain. My favourite brand too, even the non-England ones. I was amazed to come across a tatter who doesn't like them! I thought everyone loved them.

  7. What a pity, I know how you must feel you get to know how your shuttle behaves in your hands, I hope you can get another one soon perhaps eBay might have one, personally I don't like them with hooks attached to the shuttle. I think I must be the only person in the world who does not like hooks on the shuttles, never mind we can't all be the same.

  8. So sorry for your loss :(
    Even though I have many shuttles, there are just a couple that are my favorites!
