Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Blue ice snowflakes

Here's a small blizzard I've tatted up just lately. I wanted some for Saturday's Farmers Market. They are made with Lizbeth Blue Ice. I also painted them with sparkle. I wish it showed up on the picture.


  1. Oh these are really cute, my favorite is the top one and the top right! where can those patterns be found? And I said before I should have ordered the blue ice :( Oh yea while I am at it what size thread are they, mmm look like size 40 or 80 ?

    1. Size 20 thread. The top one is Renulek's tat along. And the top right is Sally Magill's SCMR Snowflake pattern, it's at http//www.ringoftatters.org.uk/seasonal/xmas/smagill/smagill12.html If you can't find them you could email me a cjccameron@airenet.com and I could send you the patterns.

  2. Pretty, pretty! I like this kind of blizzard :-)

  3. Lovely! I like the thread too.

  4. Lovely snowflakes, Have a great day on Saturday, yours starts as mine finishes so I hope we both have good days. I hang mine up on a trig, using a plastic vase and glass nuggets to keep the trig straight. The trig is something that no one is allowed to break and is kept safely from year to year.
    Good luck

    1. Trig or a little branch off a tree, sorry I call it a trig but it's a small bit of branch. In fact my grand daughter came in for the day, when we were packing up, my hubby put it safe on the chair and then she went and knocked it and broke a bit off it. He's done a bit of glueing and hopefully the bit will stay on for Saturday.
      Why are grand daughters so clumsy

  5. Wonderful blizzard, I hope you have good sales at the market.

  6. That is truly a gorgeous blizzard!!!! :)

  7. These are the only kind (and the prettiest) of snowflakes I want to see! lol
